Principal's Updates

Setting Goals, Sharing Learning, Working Together
It is difficult to believe that we are over halfway through the school year. February and March mark the time when we share student progress, growth and achievements through our report cards in February and our parent teacher interviews in March. This process is very detailed and looks a little different in each classroom; however, there are some common practices that we all share:
Assessment FOR Learning: Teachers spend the majority of their time engaging students in this process. Assessment for Learning is the ongoing practice of:
● Helping children understand what it is they are going to be learning. Teachers take the Alberta Education Outcomes and put them into language that we can all understand... for example..."Understand stories read" (gr.1) or "Solve math problems using a variety of strategies" (gr. 4)
● Coaching students in their learning
● Helping students set goals
● Giving feedback to your child
● Allowing your child to learn from his/her mistakes
● Creating opportunities to practice and improve
● Talking to your child about the next steps in learning
● Adapting teaching to meet the learning needs of students
● Revising student goals as they move forward in their learning
Assessment OF Learning: When teachers pause in the learning process to share your child’s progress, this is called Assessment of Learning. Teachers use the following to identify where your
child is performing:
● Products: These are the samples of student work and assessments that show you what your child is working on and what they have learned;
● Observations: Teachers observe your child each day in all of the different tasks and activities they are involved in; and
● Conversations: Teachers listen and ask guiding questions to help your child share what they know and are able to do.
● Parent/Teacher Conferences: This is the time when we invite you in to formally share the work your child has been involved in and your child’s progress. Teachers provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and share feedback. Our parent/teacher conferences will be on March 18th and 19th.
We would like to thank all of you for your support and look forward to seeing you at our Parent/Teacher Conferences on March 18th and March 19th. Report cards will be sent home with students on February 7th