
Registration for Pre-Kindergarten for 2025-2026 is now open.  If you are interested, please contact the school and an application will be issued to you on School Engage. École Olds Elementary School will schedule an introductory visit and speech-language screening at the school in April or May.

Pre-Kindergarten Program Information

École Olds Elementary School offers a language-rich Pre-Kindergarten program for children ages 3 and 4 who would benefit from early learning opportunities. Children in the Pre-Kindergarten program benefit by learning through real-world experiences and inquiry. Children practice social skills through structured activities, song, and play-based learning.

Learning happens best when we use a balanced, whole-child approach. Our program emphasizes growth in four domains: Social-emotional development, Physical movement, Language, and Cognitive development. 

What does Pre-Kindergarten at EOES look like?

Our Pre-Kindergarten classes operate from September to June. We offer three hours of programming in the morning (8:30 - 11:30) or afternoon (12:00 - 3:00) on three or four days each week.

Each Pre-Kindergarten class is led by a certificated Alberta teacher, supported by two educational assistants. We focus on small class sizes and creating welcoming, safe, and caring learning environments.

Who may attend?

  • Students who are a minimum of 2 years 8 months as of August 31, 2025, and less than 4 years 8 months of age
  • Students who are residents within school catchment area

Is Pre-Kindergarten a good fit for your child?

Pre-Kindergarten in Alberta is a voluntary program designed to provide early intervention for students with mild/moderate or severe delays. Students who qualify for Program Unit Funding are free of charge.

  1. Does my child have a limited vocabulary? Do they struggle to find the right words?
  2. Do they have difficulty hearing some sounds or making some sounds? 
  3. Does my child have difficulty understanding?
  4. Does my child have a current diagnosis or delay?
  5. Is my child learning English as an additional language?
  6. Would my child benefit from positive social interactions with other children?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, contact Joe Amundrud at 403-556-8477 for more information. We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you have a 4-year old that does not qualify, but you would like to give them a headstart in Pre-Kindergarten, your child may join us for a fee of $200/month as a community student. 

Who may attend?

  • Students who are a minimum of 2 years 8 months as of August 31, 2025, and less than 4 years 8 months of age
  • Students who are residents within school catchment area
"In the last four years, I have had two children go through the pre-K program at EOES. One child on the spectrum who attended two years through the PUF program. He has flourished at EOES, and his progress shows how wonderful our experience has been. We have loved every minute of the pre-K program. The staff are absolutely amazing, they are basically a second family."
